Well, several spiders actually! They are great lamp shade and bulletin board buddies. Hand stitched from old wools ,linens, and Victorian beads in some cases. Their legs are made out of old millinery wire, which are wrapped in silk threads. I saw some spiders on the web somewhere, that were very much like these, so I am not taking credit for this particular design. They are my take on my memories of what I saw.
Stay tuned as I can't wait to post about the insects that I am presently working on!
How cute. Can't wait to see the next addition to your menagerie.
Yikes, just as well that I am not arachnophobic! Actually, these spiders would be welcome in any home, they are so cute.
ewww...these are a little creepy. Cool! But creepy. - Kathy
These have to be the cutest spiders I have ever seen!
Hi there, thankyou for visiting my blog. I have just had a quick look at yours and I'm hooked...you are a very clever girl...just love the junk as well. Yes I love my namesakes, they are flitting around at the moment, I can hear them singing and calling out...I guess the males are courting at the moment. I must google your robins...have they got a really red chest...the english robins tend to be more of a tan colour...doesn't fit with my colour scheme so well. Have been looking for a nice sketch or painting of a robin to keep, but need to find one that is more red than tan...will keep looking. Robx
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