
Friday, December 14, 2012

Testing, testing, testing.....

I know it has been a long while since I last posted.  It was one year ago that my husband had major surgery, and since then it's been one hell of  ride for both of us.  I won't go into the miserable details, but for now, things seem to be on an upswing.

This is just a short blog to test my skills for the new (to me) format and to post a few pics of the Soulful Sparrow shop's holiday atmosphere.

Here's hoping you all a great holiday season and a healthy new year!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I wanted to put these photos about our new soulful sparrow shop on the new blog that Mary and I have for it, but I still am not able to access that blog from my home computer.
For the last year, it has become a regular practice for Mary and I to meet on Mondays to map out our plans and/or finish projects together. Yesterday we met at the sparrow house to go over our business plan for our new shop.  Just as we were leaving and locking the door, we heard a sort of crashie sound.  The high winds yesterday caused a large limb to fall partly on the car behind ours. Being the good neighbors that we are, we removed the limb from the car and noticed how beautiful it was. (the limb, not the car). Never ones to turn down a gift, we agreed that it would be perfect for the shop, so into Mary's station wagon it went.  It is perfect for our color scheme and style that we want.  Also, notice our freshly painted walls.  We love the way things are coming together.  We feel it's a good sign!

P.S. As usual. I've really messed up this post.  Nothing is where I want it to be and I don't know how to fix it.  Maybe it's a good thing that I have not been able to blog on the soulful sparrow blog.  Right Mary?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

soulful sparrow

UPDATE:  The soulful sparrow's new blog site is up and running. To view some progress pictures and  to read the story of how our new shop came about, please go to:

We would love to hear from you, so leave a comment and follow our blog.


Saturday, March 31, 2012


YEP, new shop,  new place, new name!  Mary P. and I are forming a partnership and opening a shop at 10 Douglas Ave., in a wonderful, old building in the newly renovated downtown area of Elgin, Il. (the store front with the purple, striped awning.) The shop will be called "soulful sparrow", named after the old home that Mary and I renovated last year.  We are very excited about being in on the ground floor of this artsy, downtown area.
Our shop in Century Corners will have it's doors open for the last time on Memorial Day, 2012. We plan on the "soulful sparrow"being open on or about July 4th.  So for the month of June, we will be very busy setting up shop and traveling to England for 2 weeks on a holiday/shopping trip.  We also have a website, etsy site and blog site under construction.
Updates and pictures will follow as they occur.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Am I seeing things?

I ran into Hobby Lobby today and saw a new issue of COUNTRY HOME mag.  What!!!!! Does anyone out there know anything about this?  It says that it is a collectors issue, Spring 2012.  Know what else?  There are almost no ads in it!!!! Of course I had to have it, even though it was $12.99  Haven't looked at it yet as I have been getting ready for the first Kane flea market of the season. I will take it to bed with me tonite as a reward for all my hard work today. HA!

Also, thank you for all the good wishes and prayers that were offered for my husband's recovery.  He is slowly getting better.  You all are so sweet to take the time to comment and send e-mails.  Your concern is touching.  xoxoxoxo

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Hello fellow bloggers.  It has been a rough winter for me.  Hubby has still not been able to return home after having major surgery on Dec. 12th, 2011.  After being in the hospital for 6 weeks, he has at least been upgraded (?) to a recovery center where is receiving therapy so that he can regain some strength.  I just have not felt that I have been able to focus on much else and have not had the energy to blog.  I really have not been accomplishing much of anything except what has been necessary.  I miss my normal routine.

To lift my spirits, I have been doing a lot of surfing on Pinterest.  It's a rather mindless pleasure and takes my mind off of what I feel is an unreal situation.  I love all the creative minds out there.

Wish you all the best and look forward to more normal times.  xoxo

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Come on to my house.......

As promised to so many of you local followers and customers, fellow dealers and friends, you are invited to the open house of The Soulful Sparrow House.  Sunday, Jan 29, from 2-6p.m. is the date and time.  Mary and I will be there to welcome you with a smile and a few refreshments, soooo, e-mail me if you need the address and directions.  Hope to see there.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

An over due post

   These are some photos of my lovely young friend, Abby, who volunteered to model some of the hats that I designed using pieces of cut up sweaters leftover from other projects.
  The scarf that she is wearing here is fashioned from a tee shirt.  Ditto the head band she is sporting in the next  few pics down.  If time allows, I will post these on my etsy site as they are for sale.

  Soon I will post more shots of my new old house.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


  I recently got a new apple and have figured out how to upload my downloads, but not any of my photos.  (help Mark)  I wanted to post something else, but i was not getting any cooperation.  Fortunately, Mary P. had sent me some pics of my new old house today, so at least I can post something!

Above is a pic of a dresser in the master B.D. (cool wall, no?)  Below is a favorite shot of the kitchen.