
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Come on to my house.......

As promised to so many of you local followers and customers, fellow dealers and friends, you are invited to the open house of The Soulful Sparrow House.  Sunday, Jan 29, from 2-6p.m. is the date and time.  Mary and I will be there to welcome you with a smile and a few refreshments, soooo, e-mail me if you need the address and directions.  Hope to see there.


  1. It looks adorable Judy. How's hubby doing?

  2. Judy, I love your cottage and can't wait to see it. I have a cold right now, but will work on kicking it so I can come to your open house.

  3. Judy,
    I would love to come there.I will try and visit your shop sometime.I am a bit far away now for a Sunday visit.Please still post photos.I would love to see what you have done.

  4. Thanks for popping into my blog and leaving such lovely comments. Its very cold here in Shropshire this week!x Jo
