
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Come on to my house.......

As promised to so many of you local followers and customers, fellow dealers and friends, you are invited to the open house of The Soulful Sparrow House.  Sunday, Jan 29, from 2-6p.m. is the date and time.  Mary and I will be there to welcome you with a smile and a few refreshments, soooo, e-mail me if you need the address and directions.  Hope to see there.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

An over due post

   These are some photos of my lovely young friend, Abby, who volunteered to model some of the hats that I designed using pieces of cut up sweaters leftover from other projects.
  The scarf that she is wearing here is fashioned from a tee shirt.  Ditto the head band she is sporting in the next  few pics down.  If time allows, I will post these on my etsy site as they are for sale.

  Soon I will post more shots of my new old house.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


  I recently got a new apple and have figured out how to upload my downloads, but not any of my photos.  (help Mark)  I wanted to post something else, but i was not getting any cooperation.  Fortunately, Mary P. had sent me some pics of my new old house today, so at least I can post something!

Above is a pic of a dresser in the master B.D. (cool wall, no?)  Below is a favorite shot of the kitchen.